Thursday, August 18, 2016

Pokemon Go Number One Trend of the Year 2016

If we talked about 2 of the most used words in one phrase for the year of 2016 , they would, without a doubt, be... Yep you guessed it - Pokemon GO.

Pokemon go game

It is a phenomenon that has kids and adults spending time outside walking, exercising and exploring the unknown. And hooray for that! Of course it takes an app to get this generation outside of the house. Something parents have tried to do for years and years. People are getting fit because of the amount of kilometers / miles walked.

As well as people making new friends because they finally have something in common to talk about and it is happening in the real world not on a computer or a phone screen.

So the main goal of the game is... well to catch them all. You can fulfill your lifetime dream of becoming a Pokemon trainer. Just by downloading the game to your Android or iPhone device you are welcomed into the magical world of Pokemon.

Go on a hunt for the rarest and the most powerful of them all , like Snorlax, Tauros, Kangaskhan or the rarest of them all - Ditto. Or just stay average with a bag full of Pidgey's , Rattata's and Weedle's.

[caption id="attachment_6144" align="aligncenter" width="576"]Ditto pokemon Ditto[/caption]

Catch Pokemon, collect stardust and special Pokemon candy and evolve them to make them stronger. You can catch monsters by flicking a finger at them. Ha. I mean by throwing pokeballs at them. Just like Ash did.

You can collect more pokeballs and other goodies at poke stops, which are probably placed all over your town or city. You can also skip the walking and hunting by placing a lure called Incense on your location, so you can sit back and just wait for them to come to you.

[caption id="attachment_6146" align="aligncenter" width="576"]Real world pokestop Pokestop[/caption]

You can also hatch your own monsters by walking an awful lot of kilometers to crack open eggs that are placed in incubators. (Geez... You really have to carry a whole lot of weight on you!)

So you do all of this walking and catching jazz for a while until you reach level 5, when you get to the cool stuff. Now you can join the cool kid teams. Choose the yellow team - Team Instinct, the blue team - Team Mystic or join the red army (whoops) - Team Valor.

Instinct Mystic Valor

By doing so - by choosing a team you now can fight against other trainers and their Pokemon at gyms. A gym is owned by 1 team only, so you better defend yours and destroy and occupy those of others. Train and fight hard to become the gym owner and be the strongest and coolest out there.

Pokemon GO is an awesome way to spend your free time and explore the world. But be careful by doing so, because I'm about to tell you a few crazy Pokemon GO stories.

The 2016 Olympics are currently taking place in Rio and a gymnast by the name of Kohei Uchimura has scored a 500,000 yen bill for oversea data usage just by playing Pokemon GO. That is crazy. Just like imagine waking up to news that there's been a break in at your local zoo. No one wanted to steal exotic animals, no one was even interested in the real deal. They just wanted to catch the virtual ones...

Walking around and finding a dead body? Yes. That happened to 19 year old Shayla Wiggins. There even was a case in witch a man just had to catch a Pokemon whilst being in a hospital emergency room. He spotted a rare one on a bed. Where his wife was giving birth at that time.. I guess someone was in trouble.

Just like imagine having Halloween every day, because there happens to be a Pikachu in your back yard and people just keep knocking and your door and asking if they can go and catch it.

You never know what the gaming world combined with the real one can bring you. So go download the game and join in on the fun! But seriously. Be careful. You don't want to end up in one of those crazy 'Pokemon GO fails' list. Keep walking and catch them all!

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